Seal-Tite Silicone Bowstring Wax, Bulk Pack (24 Tubes)

SKU: BOH-1631 Category:

Seal-Tite® is a silicone-based wax made for synthetic bowstrings. It has a silky feel and remains soft even in cold weather. Odorless, waterproof, and vegan, Seal-Tite® is available in the standard tube applicator or in Bohning’s unique box applicator made from 100% recycled plastic. Tube contains 28 grams of Seal-Tite. Certified Crossbow Compatible.

Tech tips:

Apply a small amount of Seal-Tite to nock shanks or pin bushing for easier insertion/indexing.

Apply Seal-Tite to threads on screw-in points to help prevent them from loosening.


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